1) 您的主要客户有哪些? 我的主要客户包括但不限于:有实际心理困惑的求助者,有周围人认为其有问题而自己并不强烈意识到的被动求助者,有好奇探求心理秘密并想更多了解自己的人,有因突发事件如自杀等需要危机干预的人,有企业管理者为员工职业冲突寻求解决方案的人,有企业人资经理为员工计划购买整体EAP计划的人,当然也有对我个人好奇并感兴趣而来拜访并探讨些人生哲理的人。 Main clients include but are not limited to: those who have psychological bewilderments; passive visitors who are considered psychologically abnormal while they don’t realize that themselves; those who are curious to explore secrets deep in heart and learn more about themselves; those who are in need of crisis interference due to inclination of committing suicide; managerial officials in enterprises who are seeking solutions to employees occupational conflicts; HR managers who have plans to purchase an integrated EAP; and those who have interests in me, coming to me and having discussions about philosophy of life. 2) 在上海,人们去心理咨询中心的主要原因是什么? 找我的人其实都是带着各种原因的,原因就是他们的需要,我想补充的就是,来我们这里人的都是对我们寄予帮助的希望的,这是我们的主要工作,给别人以帮助和发展下去的希望。 Those clients I mentioned in the first question have their own different reasons which can explain their needs. Here is the point that people come to me with the expectation of getting help from me, and offering help to them and lighting their candles of hope of life are one main responsibility of my work. 3) 中国人很要面子,很少谈论个人隐私问题,所以要他们敞开心扉谈论个人隐私问题是很难的,那具体有多难呢? 要面子也是一种需求,这种需求可能会抑制其他一些心理求助的需求。我个人认为,在求助需求和面子需求权衡的情况下,如果他还选择面子,只能说明那份心理痛苦还没有到不得不求助的程度。所以有一些人事实上具有很强的忍耐力。但这只是在来我们治疗中心之前,而来到我们这里其实就是一种脱去面子的仪式了,说明他已经做好探讨自己隐私的准备。而我们专业心理治疗师对他们隐私的保护才是让他们进一步信任的关键。所以心理咨询一定要选择专业而合法的心理机构,这代表着足够的保障和安全。 Protecting the face in fear of losing it is also defined as a type of need, which probably restrains other types of needs of seeking psychological help. In my personal view, faced up to a choice between protecting the face and seeking psychological help, if one person chooses the former, that shows he or she doesn’t think his or her psychological problems are so serious that they need to seek psychological help. In other words that kind of people actually has a strong ability of tolerance. If they come to my center, that shows they are ready for getting rid of fear of losing face and being open about their problems. So it is critical for professional psycho-therapists to protect their privacy in order to getting their trust. So it is very important to select one legal and professional psychological consultation institution which is a guarantee of privacy protection. 4) 在当今中国社会人们面临很多压力,不少暴力事件也应运而生,如何解决这一问题呢?社会的和谐基础是人的心灵和谐,因为社会是人的关系网络,个人的心理不健康,推而广之,这个社会网络系统就会出问题。诸如暴力、争斗、背弃及冷漠等社会冲突都是个人的心理冲突在社会的反映。个人冲突来自于压力,而压力源又来自于人的生活环境对内心世界的影响。所以这是一个循环系统。如果我们个人的心理健康了,这个系统就是正面而健康的循环,反之就是负面而不健康的。 |